Sunday, May 30, 2010

maybe I'm frustrated

You need to be more careful
Look at how you act
I'm so worried about you
But maybe you're just not afraid
Maybe I just was

I can't figure you out
You don't talk like the rest
It's like I'm always tiptoeing
I want normal
But maybe I don't

You make me mad sometimes
You say all this stuff
And it isn't even true
You believe it though
Maybe I'm guilty too

I want to be your friend
And I think we're getting better
But then I'm not sure
You probably don't care
But maybe I do

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm running.
I'm running after You.

I won't look right
Not even left
Because I'm running.

Though it's hard
Even if I'm weary
I'll be running.

Through the desert
Through the storms
You'll see me running.

Alone if I must
I'll be running.

Oh, LORD, I'm running
...and I'm running HARD

Friday, May 14, 2010

hello, -OH

I smell you again
You remind me of the past
And it sickens me

And, pardon me,
But I don't understand
Why you're here

But, alas,
You exist even now
And you're part of our lives

I suppose some don't see the problem
But I've seen you at work
I've seen what you can do

And let me assure you
You will have no part of my life
No part of my future

I can only hope
The others avoid you as well
But I can't control them

But I will do what I can
And that, my non-friend, is more powerful than you

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I hope you know

If I had to search campus for you every night
If I had to just listen to you for hours
If I had to hold you tightly while you cried
If I had to never sleep again
If I had to give up everything else in my life

I would do it ALL
I would do anything
For you to get better

Because it hurts me to see you this way
And because you're my best friend
But mostly because I LOVE YOU